Aurora Chi / Mermaid

Modern Mermaid
Live the reality, keep the sensibility.

Mermaid are not a legend
They are you and me
Floating and sinking in the sea
Looking for a shore to lean on

Unceasing waves, fading tides,
The high tides proceed, the low lingers
Leaving a subtle peck on the sands
The reed bonding with the sea
Making splashes every now and then
Shimmering ocean reflecting the moon
Gradually I’ve learned to appreciate things
And to embrace the breeze


Aurora Chi
Aurora Chi
是由華裔美籍設計師 Aurora Chi 創辦的同名品牌,2017年於紐約正式成立。主要商品包含珠寶銀飾,設計俐落時髦不造作,是一深受時尚、設計及藝術業內人士喜愛的小眾品牌。
在人文薈萃的時尚大熔爐紐約,人們無懼於展現自己獨特、時髦的風采。設計師深受啟發,將在紐約的生活體驗及文化觀點濃縮凝鍊,化私人感受為一件件風格獨具的珠寶創作。品牌美學受工業設計大師 Ross Lovegrove 等人影響,將有機的概念融入作品,同時保留視覺上的簡潔秩序美與造型的流動性。



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